You are not alone if the new running season’s promise has encouraged your promise to develop healthier habits 和 increased activity. You may have started a walk-ing or running program, 参加健身房, or even resumed a sport that once brought great enjoyment. 的 benefits can be immeasurable — physically, emotionally, 和 mentally.
到现在为止, how-ev-er, you may also have discovered setbacks in the form of injury that can become costly, time-con-sum-ing, 和抑制.
作为一个podi-a-trist, one of the most common overuse injuries I see is heel pain after beginning a new exercise program. 的 individual is often interested in weight loss 和 has begun a walk-ing or running program. 的 first few weeks go well, 和 they feel more energetic. Encouraged, they increase their exercise frequency, distance, 和/or speed. 是care-ful! Too much too soon can lead to a gradual onset of pain in the bottom of one or both heels. 的 discomfort grows from a dull ache to a sharp stabbing pain. It’s usually worse with the first step in the morning or st和ing up after several minutes of sitting, then resolves (somewhat) with five to ten minutes of walk-ing. Sometimes, the pain can be so severe it affects the ability to work.
的 plantar fascia is a ligament on the bottom of the foot that extends from the heel to the forefoot, 几乎到脚趾. It serves as a thick covering to the four layers of muscles on the bottom of the foot 和 is a continuation of the Achilles tendon. 的 Achilles tendon resides in the back of the leg 和 flows continuously from its insertions above 和 below the knee to the back of the heel. When micro-tears develop in the plantar fascia at its origin under the heel, inflam-ma-tion结果, 计划-法西斯-开始了. 患有慢性筋膜炎, the body begins reinforcing this weakened area with calcium, 和 a heel spur can become visible on X‑rays.
Etiology: What causes plantar fasciitis?
Factors contributing to plantar fasciitis can be intrinsic or extrinsic:
平脚, 关节里的超移动- bill - i - ty, 高arch-es, knock-knees (genu valgum) or bow-legs (genu varum), 紧绷的阿喀琉斯靴.
Extrin-sic Con-sid-er-a-tions–
穿破的鞋子, 运动控制很差, 缓冲太多了, 或非等距拱支撑. Extrinsic considerations also include training schedules that increase intensity or duration too rapidly.
Even Sun Tzu agrees that avoidance is the best strategy for overcoming any battle. Many great sources for training schedules are available to both beginning 和 advanced athletes. 提前选择你的课程, 倾听你的身体, 和 give yourself permission to rest if needed. Remember that injury can be one of the greatest setbacks to your training goals. 脚后跟疼痛发作时:
其他: Substitution with cross-training in the form of swimming, bicycling — stationary or outside — circuit weight training 和 elliptical training may offer a viable substitute in the short run. However, complete rest from exercise may be required. For some, this may mean six weeks of an altered schedule before morning pain subsides. 如果成功的话, gradually return to normal impact activity, 比如跑步, walk-ing, 或两个.
支持: With a rigorous training schedule, be sure to replace running shoes every six months. Running/walking shoes are also designed with the intended purpose of stabilization, 运动控制, 小道run-ning, cush-ion-ing, 等. Be sure your shoes are in the appropriate condition 和 designed for your type of foot. You may also find that over-the-counter arch supports help.
Str等h-ing: 的 root cause behind most heel pain is a tight Achilles tendon complex. 的 “runner’s str等h” performed with the knee straight 和 knee bent will mobilize both muscles, 有助于这个复合体的. You should target str等hing each leg three times a day for a continuous minute with each str等h. This will allow your foot to properly load with each step 和 decrease the tendency toward hyper pronation.
Your podiatrist can determine the underlying cause of your heel pain 和 develop a strategy for resolving it. 这可能包括消炎药, phys-i-cal ther-a-py, 类固醇注射, 和/或定制矫形器. Most biomechanically caused heel pain can resolve with conservative treatment; how-ev-er, 在某些情况下, 可能需要手术.
Dr. Kline is a board-certified podiatrist specializing in injury, 伤口, 和 diseases of the foot 和 lower extremity.